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Happy New Year

Happy New Year!


It’s hard to believe we are already 10 days into 2018. I’m sure many of you are making resolutions and lifestyle changes, setting new goals, looking ahead to a brighter, happier, and hopefully healthier year. I know this sometimes can be overwhelming, feel unattainable, hard to maintain, and a set up for a quick burnout.

How about changing the perspective to “simplify”, “slow and steady wins the race”, and “consistency is key”. So how does this apply to your skin health? Well, just like exercising regularly, following well balanced and whole food nutrition plans, brushing AND flossing your teeth every day, etc., following a specific skin care regimen for morning and night is the key- The key to improved skin health, correcting skin concerns, suppressing inflammatory symptoms, protecting the skin, and preventing unhealthy aging (like cumulative UV damage which takes place 365 days a year).

The tricky part is there is not a perfect formula for everyone. We are all different which makes us unique and special so we must develop a skin care regimen compatible with our unique and special skin care needs and concerns. Plus we all have different priorities that we want to address. There’s no miracle in a bottle and not one skin care line/brand that is the best for everyone. It is complex. There is so much more to designing an effective and appropriate regimen for each person’s skin to achieve desired results. Also we can’t just classify dry, normal, oily skin. That is only a small portion of it. There are so many other factors that can affect the health and beauty of one’s skin. Examples: age, amount of cumulative sun damage, lifestyle choices like drinking alcohol or smoking, stress levels, hormone imbalances, dietary and digestive imbalances, and the list goes on. These can all have a great impact on the appearance, function, and overall health of the skin. A little fact I learned: only about 30% of how our skin ages has to do with genetics and the other 70% is what we do or don’t do on our end. Wow!

So it’s never too late to make a change, shift things slightly for some improvement, or start fresh and reboot. It’s all possible. Isn’t that a positive? It’s awesome and we need to embrace it. Exercise self care and make a pact with yourself to treat your skin to the TLC it needs and deserves. You can start basic and simple and build slowly, or you can dive in full force, whatever suits you best.

So where do you start? What do you need to do to make that happen?

That’s where I come in.😊 I’m here to assist and guide you on a path mapped out just for you to reach your skin care goals. Starting a daily regimen is your first major step in your skin transformation. Schedule a private consult with me where we can sit down and discuss your concerns, needs, desires, and goals for your skin, or maybe you just want a fresh and new approach. I’ll recommend specific products, provide samples, assess your skin with you, and set up a treatment plan of action. This is your special time to ask questions and get advice. I’m here for you. Text, email, or call me to schedule your appointment soon! (Consults are $50/hour) May 2018 be a year of healthy beautiful skin. Psst! I’ve got a couple teasers for you

First, a new make up line (from the pros in the tv and film industry) is arriving soon!!!! Schedule a make-up consult/application with me and we’ll pair your skin regimen with a fresh and fun make-up routine.

Be adventurous! Try a new color and mix it up! I’ll be announcing its name and arrival on Facebook,, and Instagram. Keep your eyes open for more updates.

Second, I’m the skin specialist for an upcoming live webinar series with New Leaf wellness clinic here and Biotrinetix Laboratories and wellness center in Florida. We’ll be presenting information on the direct effect gut health has on skin health. We’ll be discussing in great detail the “gut-skin connection”, inflammatory diseases inflicting the skin (ie: rosacea, acne, eczema)due to digestive imbalances. Our diet and what we eat having a direct impact on the health of our body including the health and beauty of our skin will be talked about in great detail.

“Healthy gut, healthy skin” - This webinar begins January 30th and I’ll be posting more details and reminders in the coming weeks. I’d love to have you all join. In closing , I’m wishing you all the best in your journeys this year. Let’s focus on loving ourselves and one another more.

Beauty comes from within. And we are all beautiful.❤️ Happy and HEALthy skin in 2018, Xo

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